Comic book artist Darryl Banks who has worked on Cyberpunk, The Justice Machine as well as Legion of Superheroes and Greeen Lantern will be a special guest.
Episode 307: African American Artists/Writers
More unsung African American creators of the Comic industry.
Episode 306: Birds of Prey Review
We give our thoughts on the Birds of Prey Movie.
Episode 305: Birds of Prey
No, not that BoP, the DC Birds of Prey. The move opens next week and we’ll talk about the inspiration for the film and how its always been a closet favorite for a lot of fans.
Episode 304: Civil War
Love it or hate it, Marvel’s 2006 Civil War event had major ramification on the Marvel universe. We’re going to take a look back at on this episode.
Episode 303: They're Made For One Thing
You ever see a character and know they were pretty made for one reason? Yeah we haven’t either, and we’re going to talk about the ones we haven’t seen.
Episode 302: Open Forum
The guys talk about what is on their mind.
Episode 301: Bill Finger
The gang takes a look at the life and career of the legendary Bill Finger.
Episode 248: Underground
Many of today's publishers owe their existence to the world of the Underground comics. We look at the history of the underground comics market.
Episode 247: Goodbye World
Taking a look at the best “End of the World/ Apocalypse stories
Episode 246: Marvel and DC who?
What are the best non DC and Marvel titles? Both current and past.
Episode 245: This time, for the last time.
Who did the Time Travel the best?
Episode 244: Good Job, Chum!
Beside every great hero is a sidekick
Episode 243: Anti-Heroes
Love to hate them. Our favorite anti heroes.
Episode 242: Halloween
The horror genre continues its resurgence. We talk about the best horror comics, both old and new.
Episode 241: Still in the back issue bin
A year after our first discussion, we revisit key books people are over looking.
Episode 240: Calm Down, Again
A year after our first discussion, we talk about those hot books collectors need to calm down on.
Episode 239: Joker Movie Review
We discuss the Joker movie and our thoughts on it.
Episode 238: Joker!
The Joker movies comes out this week. So we discuss the history of the character and some of his best stories, in comics and other media.
Episode 237: Mount ComicMore
We take an idea we saw on a FB group and use it for our discussion. What comic creators would we put on a comic themed Mount Rushmore.