We look at DC’s iconic series of The Brave and the Bold.
Episode 327: Just for the Giggles
How about those comedy comics? ‘Mazing Man. Ralph Snart. Slapstick Mad Magazine. Cracked magazine
Episode 326: Patriotic Heroes
With 4th of July having just passed, we look at those patriot heroes.
Episode 325: Joe Sinnott
We examine Joe Sinnott’s impact on comics.
Episode 324: It all started...
Back to the beginning. What made us start collecting comics. Also, what event made us give up, or almost give up comics.
Episode 323: Denny O'Neil
Comics lost a giant in the industry last week. We discuss Denny O’Neil and his contributions to the comics industry
Episode 322: Dammit Barry
Looking at DC’s Flashpoint series and then Convergence and Rebirth.
Episode 321: Siegel and Shuster
We discuss Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel, creators of Superman
Episode 320: Shhh. It's a Secret
Looking back at Marvel’s Secret Invasion event
Episode 319: Best Influence
Best influential comics and how they affected us, the industry, etc.
Episode 318: Sweet Seduction
Discussion on Seduction of the Innocent and Parade of Pleasure.
Episode 317: Roy Thomas
Creator spotlight on Roy Thomas, the man who Stan Lee passed the reigns to.
Episode 316: God No
We rip on those character/book makeovers that made things worse.
Episode 315: Still MIA
Characters we miss, and want back.
Episode 314: Best Easter Eggs
Oh, that’s sneaky. Easter eggs in comics.
Episode 313: Got Ya!
Some of the best gags in comics!
Episode 312: Wizard Retro!
We look back at some of those old Wizard Magazines.
Episode 311: Read this man!
Our picks for some of the best comic series that aren’t populated by spandex guys and gals.
Episode 310: Best Out of Comics Character
We look at those characters that are huge hits in comics, yet didn’t start there.
Episode 309: Fizzling Out
It was supposed to be grand and far reaching, and instead sunk like a rock. We look at the biggest event failures.