Hill Hippie Burns Brush! madman’s confusion about The Dark Crystal! Cain & Abel! De-Feminizing Avengers: End Game! Love for Scar Jo and Bill Murray! Adam & Eve! The News Worth Knowing! Real Iron Man Suit! Suicide Prevention During Pride Month! Turn In Your Baby Daddy! AOC is an Idiot! Hangry Moose! Hugs Save Lives!
This Coffin Smells So Good!
madman’s Illness and Hill Hippie’s Rainy Weekend! Spilled Candles! Mailbag! #VoxAdpocalypse ! Hill Hippie’s Garden! Jupiter’s Moons! Commenting On Movies Not Seen! The News Worth Knowing! Milo and the Straight Pride Parade! Creepy A.I.! A Final Burger King Run! Avocado Grenade! The Thin Blue Line! Teenage Heroes!
Cheesecake Pizza
Birds! Bees! Bat-mobiles! Pride Month! Invertebrates! Space Stations! Fun and Flatulence! The News Worth Knowing! Pray for Trump! Educating the Next Generation! Worst Graduation Cake Ever! Rattlesnakes! The Coming Dark Ages! And other bummers…
'Twould Be The Scat!
Hill Hippie Hunted Mushrooms and madman has a bird for an arch-enemy! madman goes over some interesting statistics on SMR Listeners! Hill Hippie discusses medieval cuisine! the madman ponders the dawn of the Refrigeration Age! The News Worth Knowing! Smuggling Leeches! Perfect Timing! Feeding Rats! Go Marlins! Maid B&E! Good Deeds!
Moo Means Moo
madman gives a stern warning! Hill Hippie attacked by Plant Semen! madman’s mail bag! Game of Thrones Series Finale! Flat Earthers! The News Worth Knowing! The heart of tyranny in Westeros! Free Keg Party! “Womb Bothering”! How to Own a Batmobile! Australians Kissing Cows! madman may run off to join Mercy Ships!
Imaginary Cigarettes
Rough Drafts from the madman! Hill Hippie’s weekend! Steve1989MREInfo! Game of Thrones Rants! The Dangers of Jimsonweed! The News Worth Knowing! I Heart New York! Naked Basketball! Drooling in Your Sleep! Big Fish Stories! Lucky Gold Nugget! That of Saving Lives!
The Default Safeword
madman awkwardly gives a disclaimer for the show and tries to beat the heat. Hill Hippie went to Free Comic Book Day! the madman tests his memory and thanks everyone for birthday wishes! Racism against the Ferengi! Game of Thrones spoilers! Hill Hippie tries to kiss the madman’s ass but EK trips him up! If Money Were No Object! The News Worth Knowing! The Coffee Cup! Driving Only Lawn Mowers for over 40 Years! A Gestalt Glaring! Dave Chappelle is Funnier than Mark Twain! Bears in a Hot Tub! An Answer To Prayer!
It Stinks!
Hill Hippie on the Boards! Hot in April! The Joys of Brunch! The madman rants about and spoils Avengers: End Game and the 3rd Episode of the last season of Game of Thrones! Accidental Circumcision! The madman’s Mail Bag! The News Worth Knowing! Spoiler Alert! Deer in a Field! Send Pizza! Chris Miracle (Not a Magician)! Hero Kids (No Capes)! P.I.M.P. Grandpa!
The Weird Shadow
Easter Weekend! Arya Gets Laid! Ex-Smokers and Sex! Information Security! Madman rants about ‘I’m Ma’am’! Hill Hippie takes Alex Jones seriously! Tron and the Dude! The best of England’s Languages! The News Worth Knowing! Sophie Turner Spills the Tea! Bryce Harper Sucks! Sentient Mold! Singing Bushes and other Miracles! Good Cops! Vigilante Rabbits!
Slapping Joffrey
the madman and ACE BULLY discuss 8th Grade Poetry, Game of Thrones, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez! Democracy in Westeros! Hate to Love Jon Snow! Sanctuary Cities and the REAL Game of Thrones! King Trump! The News Worth Knowing! Pelosi Zing! Algorithm’s Gonna Get You! Drunk, Naked Guy on Your Couch! Heroic Rescue of a Dead Fox! Midnight at Walmart! Sorry Fire Fighters…I know you mean well…
Hazam or Shazam!?
Allergies and Youtubing! Congratulations to UVA! Victory Riots! The madman reviews Shazam! with no spoilers! The madman talks about Ben Shapiro and Kevin Hart on the Joe Rogan Experience! The madman discourages NPCs! The News Worth Knowing! Secret Service Fail! Eric Idle Lives! i-Pad Disabled for 48 Years! Consent Condoms! Nazi Dogs!
Ivy and Kudzu
Father Knows Best! Clones to Spare! Rumors of Ace Bully! The Sims…Classic! What Dreams May Come! Respect for C-3PO! Hill Hippie’s Garden! Conspiracy Theories of a madman! The News Worth Knowing! Get Naked! Creepy Uncle Joe! Hovercraft Hunting! F@^%s = 0! The Dangers of Door Dash! Colors, Taps, Lights Out…
More Dwight Than Jim
The Hill Hippie was busy. the madman discovers “The Office”! the madman raves about the NetFlix movie “The Dirt”! The Pros and Cons of Slapping! the madman announces the new FXBG Public Radio / Shock Monkey Radio Store! Someone Hacked Our Server! How To Have Sex With 60 Foot Tall Women! The News Worth Knowing: The Latest Darwin Award! Take the Loss! Fix the Food! Tough Questions in the Information Age! Learn to Cook, Idiots! Fighting Bad Energy With LSD! Cots for Dogs!
That Fishing Lure Is Drunk!
Pay-Tron the Transformer! St. Patrick’s Day Weekend! The madman is Furious! A madman in the woods! The madman roasts ACE BULLY! Hill Hippie’s Garden! The Fragility of Earth! The Continuing Saga of Captain Marvel! The News Worth Knowing! Fighting a Unicorn! Drunk and Waiting by the Exit of the Frozen Ride! Holy Ground in Christchurch, New Zealand! Hashtag Trashtag! the madman loves you!
North Cackalacky
Hill Hippie’s Fan! Clever Danny’s Pizza and Subs Ads! The madman spoils Captain Marvel! The madman loves Courtney Love! Respect for Stan Lee and Kevin Smith! The madman loves “Saving Mr. Banks”! The Hill Hippie wants you to pick his mushrooms for him! The dirty ol’ madman and Maisie Williams! The News Worth Knowing! Beer Only for Lent! Mitt Romney is NOT cool! Creepy Uncle Joe…again! Floating off on an Ice Floe! The Worst Subway Owner! The Value of Green Alerts! Support the Troops!
Fat Tuesday
EK’s on Vacay! Hill Hippie’s YouTube Recommendations! Fear the Ents! The madman wins at Civ III and responds to the mail bag! White Guys tell Police Horror Stories! When Karma Sits On You! Reasons to Avoid Africa and India! The madman loves Time Splitters and Tim Pool! Little Boxes! Best Film Editing (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)? The News Worth Knowing! Feminist Hitler! AirBnB Manslaughter! Packs of Dogs Stalking Finish Lines! Steal More Mild Taco Sauce! Five Cops For One Panda! The madman is SO wrong about Kinesiology!
Rails of Kool-Aid
New Mixers! The Dangers of Gangs! Meat Jokes! Cloned Meat! Dandelion Wine! Crazy Dreams! The madman thinks Vegan! The News Worth Knowing! Creepy Uncle Joe! Dumb Luck! Skewer to the Face! Vegan Bridezilla! Radioactive Cremation! Cops Trolling! Snow in Tucson!
Fight-Chess Club
madman critiques Joe Rogan! Favorite Adam Sandler Scenes! madman critiques Kevin Smith! The Gang Discusses the Nuances of Chess! Disney Script Writers! Harold & Kumar Go To North Sentinel Island! The News Worth Knowing! Tractor Racing! Alpaca Yoga! For Sale: Montana! Little Hitler Selling Hot Chocolate! Dave Chappelle is Awesome! Pig Bites Instagram Model! Ben Shapiro Concerns! Snowed In At The Casino!
Ace and Jokers
Starting late due to cameras, the madman quickly starts whining about Valentine’s Day! Hill Hippie Artfully Trolls the madman! madman continues to pine for Rebecca Felgate! ACE BULLY Drops by for a visit! ACE BULLY Revisits last week’s Baby Shark Bong video! Kamala Harris’ Memory! Super-Heroes and Werewolves! Naked Lady in the Airport! “Lock Your Doors, Load Your Guns”! “Bezos Exposes Pecker”! Nightwing’s Ass, In Depth! Free Wings! One Nation, Under God! Arcade Repairmen!
Baby Shark Bong
EKaos! Old Co-Hosts! Hill Hippie’s Birthday Gifts! People Who Talk Too Much! Schwagfest in Hill Hippie’s Garden! Remaking Hogan’s Heroes! Hulk Hogan Porn! Ralph Northam Breaks The Internet! Hypothetical Scenarios! Meth and Ginseng! Vampires on Ecstasy! Fighting Off A Cougar! Harvard Professors! Baby Shark Bong! The Value of French Citizenship!