The Default Safeword

madman awkwardly gives a disclaimer for the show and tries to beat the heat. Hill Hippie went to Free Comic Book Day! the madman tests his memory and thanks everyone for birthday wishes! Racism against the Ferengi! Game of Thrones spoilers! Hill Hippie tries to kiss the madman’s ass but EK trips him up! If Money Were No Object! The News Worth Knowing! The Coffee Cup! Driving Only Lawn Mowers for over 40 Years! A Gestalt Glaring! Dave Chappelle is Funnier than Mark Twain! Bears in a Hot Tub! An Answer To Prayer!

More Dwight Than Jim

The Hill Hippie was busy. the madman discovers “The Office”! the madman raves about the NetFlix movie “The Dirt”! The Pros and Cons of Slapping! the madman announces the new FXBG Public Radio / Shock Monkey Radio Store! Someone Hacked Our Server! How To Have Sex With 60 Foot Tall Women! The News Worth Knowing: The Latest Darwin Award! Take the Loss! Fix the Food! Tough Questions in the Information Age! Learn to Cook, Idiots! Fighting Bad Energy With LSD! Cots for Dogs!

North Cackalacky

Hill Hippie’s Fan! Clever Danny’s Pizza and Subs Ads! The madman spoils Captain Marvel! The madman loves Courtney Love! Respect for Stan Lee and Kevin Smith! The madman loves “Saving Mr. Banks”! The Hill Hippie wants you to pick his mushrooms for him! The dirty ol’ madman and Maisie Williams! The News Worth Knowing! Beer Only for Lent! Mitt Romney is NOT cool! Creepy Uncle Joe…again! Floating off on an Ice Floe! The Worst Subway Owner! The Value of Green Alerts! Support the Troops!

Fat Tuesday

EK’s on Vacay! Hill Hippie’s YouTube Recommendations! Fear the Ents! The madman wins at Civ III and responds to the mail bag! White Guys tell Police Horror Stories! When Karma Sits On You! Reasons to Avoid Africa and India! The madman loves Time Splitters and Tim Pool! Little Boxes! Best Film Editing (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)? The News Worth Knowing! Feminist Hitler! AirBnB Manslaughter! Packs of Dogs Stalking Finish Lines! Steal More Mild Taco Sauce! Five Cops For One Panda! The madman is SO wrong about Kinesiology!

Ace and Jokers

Starting late due to cameras, the madman quickly starts whining about Valentine’s Day! Hill Hippie Artfully Trolls the madman! madman continues to pine for Rebecca Felgate! ACE BULLY Drops by for a visit! ACE BULLY Revisits last week’s Baby Shark Bong video! Kamala Harris’ Memory! Super-Heroes and Werewolves! Naked Lady in the Airport! “Lock Your Doors, Load Your Guns”! “Bezos Exposes Pecker”! Nightwing’s Ass, In Depth! Free Wings! One Nation, Under God! Arcade Repairmen!